Hawaiian 2022 New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is always a time for a fresh start and to set new goals for yourself. Why not take a few tips from the Islands and set a few resolutions to help add a little Aloha to your life? Here are 4 Hawaiian New Year’s resolutions you can bring into 2022.  

1. Catch the Wave

The term “carpe diem” might have come from Rome, but no one exemplifies the phrase better than Hawaiians. People who live in Hawaii know how seize the day and live life to the fullest.

All you need to do is look to the ocean. If the surf is especially good, you’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone working on the Big Island. Everyone knows catching a few choice waves is much more important than whatever else they were working on. After all, the work will always be there; the waves won’t.

In 2022, set a goal to catch more waves—figuratively or literally. If an opportunity presents itself, take it! Don’t let life get in the way of your happiness.  

2. Spend More Time with Your Ohana

What’s more important than family? In Hawaii, not much! Ohana is Hawaiian for “family.” But it’s not just your immediate family. It’s typically extended to anyone near and dear to you, blood-related or not.

The idea of Ohana is very important in Hawaii. People take time to be together and enjoy each others’ company. In 2022, take more time to think about your Ohana and spend time with the people you care about.

3. Soak up the Sunshine

Life is all about the little things. Even if you’re in the middle of an extremely busy day, remember to take some time to sit back and relax—which is something Hawaiians know all about. Hardly a day goes by when locals don’t spend at least a little bit of time on the beach!

Whether it’s looking out the window and appreciating the beauty of nature or taking a few minutes to sit and soak up some sunshine, remember to keep an eye out for the little things that add some enjoyment to your life. It doesn’t have to be sitting on a pristine Hawaiian beach (though that would certainly work). Even a few minutes with your feet kicked up on the desk will do just fine. Just be sure to take a few minutes for yourself every now and then.

4. Be a Rainbow

Hawaii is known as The Rainbow State. While that might be because we have more rainbows than just about anywhere in the world (which it does!), it’s also because Hawaiians are never afraid to show their true colors and be themselves.

When you come to Hawaii, you probably won’t find anyone wearing suits or dresses, trying to fit a certain mold. Everyone wears whatever they feel like, whether it’s considered “stylish” or not! You’ll see everything from oversized moo moos and boardshorts to colorful t-shirts and flip flops.

When ringing in the New Year, set a resolution to be more like yourself. Forget what others think and show your true colors, just like the rainbows and people that fill the Islands.

Happy New Year!

With 2021 coming to a close (finally…), it’s time to set new goals and enjoy your fresh start. Heading into 2022, remember the Islands and think about adding a little taste of Hawaii into your daily life. And, if you really want to add some Hawaii to your life, there are plenty of properties available on the Big Island. Maybe 2022 is your year to turn your dreams of living in a tropical paradise into a reality!

Hau’oli Makahiki Hou (which is Hawaiian for “Happy New Year”).

Aloha, and welcome to Hawaii.